Join the Waitlist

Enter your email below for early access to new warehouses we are opening.
Those on the waitlist will get first priority once the new locations open.

How it Works

Step 1

Join Waitlist

Submit the form above to join the waitlist. Our sales team will collect the signup deposit.

Step 2

We Alert You Once Warehouse is Opening

We will alert you about the opening date.

Step 3

Send Inventory

You can start sending inventory to our warehouses.

Confirmed Locations



Future Locations

Chicago, USA



Georgia, USA

Washington, USA

Alberta, Canada

Texas, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Secure your spot by filling the form above.
2. Our sales team will schedule a call to go over your requirements.
3. We will reach out to everyone on the waitlist to collect signup deposits.
4. Once we have 10 deposits, we will announce the exact date for location opening.
The estimated open dates can be found above.
For the first 12 months of the warehouse opening, we will only be onboarding clients who were on the waitlist.
Yes, you can use our existing warehouse. Once the new warehouse is operational, we can transfer you to the new location.

If you have additional questions, you can
email: [email protected]

Secure Your Spot